Invoice for vendor and customer

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11 years 7 months ago #115504


In commission mode the customer should pay directly the vendor.
For the moment, you have to use manual payments like "collect on delivery" for example because the system that allowed a vendor to be paid directly to his paypal account is not yet implemented (but in progress and in our planning).

After that yes, you send invoices to your vendors for your fees, for your commissions.

When I implemented the commission invoice, the "invoice number" was not the same that it is now. That's why it uses the order number and not the invoice number.
It is not something complicated to change and I write a note to include this modification in the next build.

For this "vendor fees invoices" (I have to find a good word for it), the invoice numeration for not managed for the moment so it should use the default HikaShop numeration system.
We could see to plug another numeration rule for it.


Jerome -
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11 years 7 months ago #115512

Jerome wrote: Hi,

In commission mode the customer should pay directly the vendor.
For the moment, you have to use manual payments like "collect on delivery" for example because the system that allowed a vendor to be paid directly to his paypal account is not yet implemented (but in progress and in our planning).

Now I understand. Thanks. Any idea about when this will be ready? Few months? Next year?...

After that yes, you send invoices to your vendors for your fees, for your commissions.

I imagine this, tell me if wrong:
Customer buy a product (or maybe also many products from many vendors), the vendor (or vendors) receive the total amount directly into his (their) paypal account(s), then I ask vendors to pay me generating an invoice for them? Right? Or also I will not need to manually ask them to pay me 'cause automatically I will receive from vendor my fee and also an invoice for the vendor will be generated?

When I implemented the commission invoice, the "invoice number" was not the same that it is now. That's why it uses the order number and not the invoice number.
It is not something complicated to change and I write a note to include this modification in the next build.


I would suggest you an option to let vendors manually change the invoice number for the invoices they generate for their customers. That's because a vendor can sell goods real (real life, in his real store) and virtually in my marketplace. This way he can have a unique invoice numeration (we need for Italy, Spain,...) that is subsequential with the real invoices he manually generates when he real sell into his fisical store.
I try to explain better. Suppose that a vendor has got a real store. He already manage real invoices by himself and generate them manually or with an invoicing software. Now he starts sell over my marketplace; sure he want to respect the invoicing numeration according to real invoices, so if real he is at invoice numeber 12 he want to generate the invoice number 13 for the product he sold in my marketplace.

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11 years 7 months ago #115588


Any idea about when this will be ready? Few months? Next year?...

I want to implement it in HikaMarket 1.4.0, as soon as possible. But in order to be realistic, in a few months.

Customer buy a product (or maybe also many products from many vendors), the vendor (or vendors) receive the total amount directly into his (their) paypal account(s), then I ask vendors to pay me generating an invoice for them? Right? Or also I will not need to manually ask them to pay me 'cause automatically I will receive from vendor my fee and also an invoice for the vendor will be generated?

Sorry but, there is some wrong.

If you use paypal adaptive, you will receive your fees directly in your paypal account.
Everyone receive his money in the same time. That is the magic feature of Paypal Adaptive. Why make things more complicated ?

If you don't use paypal adaptive. You can't have several vendors and they can't be paid using a regular payment method... Cf my previous post.

I would suggest you an option to let vendors manually change the invoice number for the invoices they generate for their customers.

Sure, it's already there. Just have to change the option in the vendor configuration.


Jerome -
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11 years 7 months ago #115638

Jerome wrote: I want to implement it in HikaMarket 1.4.0, as soon as possible. But in order to be realistic, in a few months.

Ok, hope to see it in october... :)

If you use paypal adaptive, you will receive your fees directly in your paypal account.
Everyone receive his money in the same time.

Ok, that's good. I understand now. So what will be reported in my PayPal account about my fee? Will be stored a payment about my fee from the customer or from the vendor?
I ask that 'cause if the payment for my fee is stored in my paypal account from the customer I need to generate an invoice for the customer about the fee meanwhile if the payment results from the vendor I need to generate an invoice to the vendor about my fee. What will be effectivly written in my PayPal account? A payment from who?

Sure, it's already there. Just have to change the option in the vendor configuration.

Do you mean you have to implement it with few work or already present and I didn't see it? I can't find the option now.

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11 years 7 months ago #115653


Paypal Adaptive documentation:

Vendor invoice number:

Invoice Number format - The vendor specific invoice number format. Like your invoice number format, each vendor could have his specific format.


Jerome -
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11 years 7 months ago #115672

Jerome wrote: Paypal Adaptive documentation:

I've called PayPal and they explained me exactly how it works:

Chained mode:
Sender send money -> 100€ -> The store receive 30% of 100€ (my fee) and that's what will be effectively reported into my paypal account, nothing about 100€ will be stored in my PayPal account, That's good. Then PayPal Adaptive will send the 70% to vendors and no trace about that is stored in my PayPal account. That's good.
So, I received only 30€ from the customer, so I must generate an invoice of 30€ +TAX + PAYMENT taxes to the customer.

Now, how can I generate an invoice only for 30€ to the customer? At moment I suppose I can do it only manually... right?

Vendor invoice number:

Invoice Number format - The vendor specific invoice number format. Like your invoice number format, each vendor could have his specific format.

I didn't explain correctly maybe. I know about that, but I mean something else that could let vendor change the number of every invoice after generated before being sent to their customers. Something like a button to click and edit the invoice number for every invoice, then save the invoice and send to customer.

Finally, in this case with chained payments, if I receive 30€ (of 100€ from the customer) and I generate and invoice for 30€, the vendor must generate an invoice for the customer too about the 70€ he received from the customer. How to? Not possible, right?

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11 years 7 months ago #115835


Yes for the moment you have to generates this invoice manually.

For HikaMarket, the invoice is for the fees of the vendor, so the target is the vendor.
But we can see to add another option to change it if you are really sure that it is the right way to do it.
I am not sure that you must generate an invoice to the customer, I will try to talk with an accounting.

About the vendor, he have access to his orders and he can generates an invoice with the HikaMarket interface.

The invoice number is not an editable field but we can see to make it editable. But you have to know that it could have bad effects.
Modifying the invoice number means modifying the invoice id too. So you can break the continuous number or creating a duplicating invoice number.
That is a "risky" editable field.


Jerome -
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11 years 7 months ago #115845

Jerome wrote: Yes for the moment you have to generates this invoice manually.

Ok, thanks, hope will be a solution in future, at the moment is not my priority, we can generate manually invoices, but sure would be better an automated process.

I am not sure that you must generate an invoice to the customer, I will try to talk with an accounting.

Thanks, I'll do the same with my business consultant. I think I must generate an invoice about what is stored in my bank or paypal account. So if in my PayPal account is stored that cutomer payed me 30€, I think I have to generate an invoice to him for that, see first attached image. Also, my invoice for the customer must report as item the "service" and not the "goods" he bought from the vendor because in this case he pay me my fee for using my store, not for the goods he bouth from vendor; vendors sell and I opper a service. With chained payments I receive money from customer and not from vendor, so I must generate invoice to customer for the service I offered him.
I'll talk with my business consultant too to define better this thing.
If that's the right way, sure is not the best way, because the customer will receive 2 invoices: one from me, about the service I offered him (and not about the goods he bought) and another invoice from the vendor (about the goods he bought from the vendor). That's not really the best way, but at the moment seems not be other way till you'll release the option for product limitation for one single vendor. In that case I suppose that I first receiver can be the vendor and so he will generate the invoice for the customer, then I receive my fee from the vendor for the service and I generate the invoice for the vendor only. See second attached image

About the vendor, he have access to his orders and he can generates an invoice with the HikaMarket interface.

The invoice number is not an editable field but we can see to make it editable. But you have to know that it could have bad effects.
Modifying the invoice number means modifying the invoice id too. So you can break the continuous number or creating a duplicating invoice number.
That is a "risky" editable field.

Better define in future this option and go step by step defining first how hikamarket can work as described above and how can generate invoices.

Thanks so much, I will let you know what my business consultant tell us.


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11 years 7 months ago #115970


If your want that the vendor is the first receiver, the vendor must have a special paypal account compatible with the adaptive payment.
Only the account which use his paypal adaptive credential can be the first receiver.
I already tried to change the first receiver to another account without success.

So, to do it, you have to use another credentials (the vendor ones), so you have to same limitation than the "vendor multi-paiement" feature that we are implementing for HikaMarket 1.4.0. You will have a restriction on one vendor per order and all vendors should configure they paypal adaptive plugin with their credentials.


Jerome -
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11 years 7 months ago #116175

Jerome wrote: If your want that the vendor is the first receiver, the vendor must have a special paypal account compatible with the adaptive payment.
Only the account which use his paypal adaptive credential can be the first receiver.

Sure, I already considered this. I think that in hikamarket, vendor just need to provide his paypal e-mail address and obviously create a special paypal account compatible with adaptive payment. So I will ask every vendor to create a special account and then insert the paypal e-mail address in his vendor profile.

You will have a restriction on one vendor per order and all vendors should configure they paypal adaptive plugin with their credentials.

Yes, that will be the right way. Till that, I can consider as only solution that the store is the first receiver and I must generate an invoice for my fee to the customer meanwhile the vendors have to generate the invoices for the customers too for their earnings.

Do you think you can adapt the actual invoicing system so that customer can have all thoose invoices from me and from vendors?

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11 years 7 months ago #116226


I don't know what you want to change exactly in HikaMarket for the invoicing. For what I see and understand, it's not something that we can reuse/include in HikaShop/HikaMarket.
If you want to change the way that invoices are send by email or are displayed in the front-end, it is things which can be done using view overrides and mail modification.

The idea is to modify the mail content (and the invoice in the front-end) so the customer will see the several invoices in the same page.
You can access to the sub-orders of a loaded order so you can know which vendors are implicated in a sale. You have the "vendor total" and the "full total" so you can determine your total for your part of the invoice.


Jerome -
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11 years 7 months ago #116248

Jerome wrote: The idea is to modify the mail content (and the invoice in the front-end) so the customer will see the several invoices in the same page.

In the chained payment with store as first receiver, I would like that customer can have 2 or more invoices for every payment: 1 invoice from the store for the fee, then 2,3,4,5 etc... invoices from the vendors for the goods they sold to customer (full price of every good minus the fee over every good). So the customer can have in his user panel all the invoices from the store and from the vendor. Invoices must report the data of the store about the invoices generated for the fees, meanwhile must report the data of the vendors about the invoices generated for the goods sold by vendors.

That's the ideal condition... but... the invoicing is very very complex at this point thinking about generating invoicing for vendors because in Italy, as Spain, vendors must have a sequential numeration, so managing numerations for real business and for virtual business made everything very complicated. Tat's why I asked you some posts ago if vendors can manually edit/insert invoice number in every single invoice.

A solution can be this: store generate his invoices in chained mode for the fees to customer with hikamarket/hikashop then vendors manually generate invoices to customers for the goods they sold, that means that vendors should have all data in their panel about customers and also about prices minus fees that they have to invoice for customers.

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11 years 7 months ago #116438


Yes, invoice numeration must be sequential (in France too), and it is sequential numeration in HikaShop/HikaMarket. Letting the user change the invoice number won't.
That's why I don't want to let user access to this value and that's why the option won't be include in HikaMarket. Too dangerous.

I don't think that this option is required for your case. I still don't understand what you want to do, for me it's just not logical and that's why I prefer talking with an accountant in order to have precise information.
It is not that I don't trust you, but accounting is complicated and with the language translation, it is more and more.

I am an analyst and a developer. I understand numbers, algorithm, schema.
Since the beginning of this thread which have now 5 big pages of content, my position didn't move and I still don't understand precisely what you want.
Like I said before, I need specifications. Something I can clearly understand, something without any single decimal error and if possible, some concrete examples.

Orders and invoicing is complex enough in HikaMarket so I won't start any new development on it if I am not 200% sure of what I have to do.
I already spend weeks (months) on this invoice/order system and I have for the moment more urgent features to finish.
I don't want to repeat myself again and again but I am sorry, I don't have the impression that this thread is going forward since last month, when I asked you the thing which is still missing for ùe: specifications.

As I said in my previous post, you can override views and emails. So if you want to modify the content in order to display several invoices, you can.
If you want to insert vendor invoices in the database, you can too.
But if you want the feature included directly in HikaMarket, I need real and precise specifications.


Jerome -
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11 years 7 months ago #116449

Jerome wrote: Yes, invoice numeration must be sequential (in France too), and it is sequential numeration in HikaShop/HikaMarket.

Sorry, with sequential I meant "without holes" starting from number 1 and going on with all sequential numbers, 1,2,3 etc... Don't know if in France is the same or you just need a sequential that can also include "holes": 23,67,789 (that's sequential too but with "holes").

The problem actually is that numeration generates "holes" even if is sequential.

It is not that I don't trust you, but accounting is complicated and with the language translation, it is more and more.

Right. We have an appointment with our business consultant this week, I'll let you know too about what he suggest us to use Hikamarket for our project if can satisty our needs.

Thanks so much for your support Jerome.

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11 years 6 months ago #120801

Hi Jerome,

we have spoke with our business consultant and defined the situation and what we should do and what we can do with actual hikamarket.

The only solution for us at the moment is to use PayPal adaptive plugin and set it with Parallel payments. This way, as PayPal confirmed us, nothing will be stored in our PayPal account and so money will be moved between customers and vendors. We will not set commissions and we will manually ask to vendors to pay us commissions (in this case we know each vendor, so we can trust enough to let them pay us manually later).

This way, vendors will generate manually their invoices to customers and we will manually generate invoices to vendors when we will ask them to pay us manually.

That's the only solution to merge tecnical solution, legal and fiscal problems.

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11 years 6 months ago #120860


Thanks for sharing it.
Please let me know if there is some missing features for the invoicing.


Jerome -
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11 years 6 months ago #120892

Jerome wrote: Please let me know if there is some missing features for the invoicing.

Regarding us, we must generate manually invoices after vendor pay manually our fees, because of the sequential number invoice that cannot work at moment without "holes" and some other issues. Meanwhile for vendors invoicing cannot work correctly first of all because the invoice number as described above (every vendor should have his own invoice sequntial without holes numeration). So best way at the moment is that vendors too manually manages their invoices and send them to their customers.

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11 years 6 months ago #121027


We will see how improve it in a future release.
We have now enough information in order to have a good vision of what we have to do.


Jerome -
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11 years 5 months ago #123712

I've been following this thread since the beginning and would like to share my thinking with you.
I had no time to push further the idea but here is my starting point:

HIKMARKET set up :
a. You are a service provider ONLY (vendors pay you commission/fee) – You are NOT the primary receiver in this configuration, see PAYMENTS section below.
b. You are a service provider AND you also sell your own products/services


1. Website info + contact email + … (what you want here)
2. INTRO Text : « Your order placed at is as follow : »
3. order id
4. invoice id
5. payment id (compulsory in back end administration for further reference in case of conflict)
6. Vendor 1 Name
6.1 Vendor 1 Contact info + VAT id (all needed info like on a normal invoice)
6.2 Info custom text about invoice customer will receive accordingly to « vendor invoice set up».
e.g.1 : your invoice will be available in your customer account
e.g.2 : You will receive the order directly from Vendor1
e.g.3 : …
6.3 List products + price vendor 1
6.4 Total amount VAT incl./excl. Vendor 1
6.5 Tax amount for Vendor 1
7. Vendor 2 Name
7.1 …
etc .
8. …
9. Total amount paid for your order at
10. Tax amount paid :
11. Reclaimable tax amount (e.g. B-t-B international but VAT paid):
12. Footer note about any additional info required by law, legals, etc.
e.g. 1 : is a service provider to vendors, you will receive a separate invoice from every vendor listed above in your order, bla bla…
e.g.2 : is a service provider, the payment we received on this website has been split by PayPal each vendor accordingly your order.


Vendors have multiple options :
1. automatic code
2. automatic code with special config
3. manual code (this means vendor HAS generated an invoice in HIS OWN invoicing program but can chosse to send an invoice via hikamarket with the correct invoice number encoded in HIS program)
4. no invoice (sent manually by email/postal service or when shipping goods to customer)

!! NONE of these options modify the original hikashop/market order id nor the invoice id. All registered professionnal vendors (normally)should have their own order/invoice program.
Original Hika orders/invoice/id’s are never modified and are only for referal purposes (website-customer-vendors). It can also be used in case of conflicts.

As a SERVICE PROVIDER, you are providing a service to the vendors who can sell their products/service via your marketplace, it is not a service to the customer ! You should not invoice the customer but invoice the vendor for the service you provide him (selling his goods/services in your website). The price paid by the customer includes the commission/fee the vendors will pay you (your service to vendors for selling in your marketplace) and for which you will invoice them for this service.

If you are a service provider AND vendor the same as above applies + you have to generate your own invoices (your vendor invoice set up) for the orders you personally receive.

Last edit: 11 years 5 months ago by pprle.
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11 years 5 months ago #123735

Right right pplre!

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